Vergo Mouse
Vergo Mouse
Vergo Mouse
Vergo Mouse
Vergo Mouse
Vergo Mouse

Vergo Mouse

Regular price $ 50.00 Sale price $ 34.95

Work long hours on a Computer?
Do you suffer from pain or discomfort in your hand, wrist, arm, shoulder or neck?

 The Answer is Vertical!

✅Work in a Comfortable, Relaxed State
✅Protect yourself from Pain & Injury
✅Be More Productive for Longer
✅Wonderful for Arthritic Conditions

    Regular mice were designed decades ago and were not indented for prolonged use.

    They keep the arm in an unnatural pronated state causing the bones in the forearm to twist and place pressure on nerves and muscles in the arm, wrist and hand.


    Keeping your hand constantly resting on the underside of the wrist places unnecessary stress and pressure which can lead to;

          • Repetitive Strain Injuries
          • Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
          • Posture problems
          • Neck and Shoulder pain
          • and even trigger head aches!
     The Vert Ergo Mouse™ mouse keeps the arm in a neutral, relaxed position allowing free blood flow and not causing any discomfort.
    You will notice the difference immediately